Inspirational success stories typically follow a similar pattern consisting of an ordinary beginning, a struggle and an ending with an unprecedented triumph. This seems to hold true even in the highly stereotyped lavish equestrian world. But, rather than taking this path alone, an unsuspecting pair of young dressage riders are rewriting the next chapter of their stories together. Beatrice de Lavalette and Shayna Simon found themselves on opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean until a life-altering attack brought de Lavalette to the United States, right to Simon’s doorstep. Together the west-coast coach-student pair have made a splash together in the para-dressage ring, but they both have big dreams to stand atop international podiums. Their most recent step in their careers involved setting up a business in Loxahatchee, Florida, in order to be centered in the winter dressage capital.

Airhart, O. (2020, December 10). Living in the Moment & Discovering Fresh Opportunities With Shayna Simons and Beatrice de Lavalette. PS Dressage.